Hello, rn this is just a page with random rants and updates about my actual life but i have bigger plans for this but also everything else too.

19/02/24 - Hello abyss, agiain. I've been gone for qite a while now and I dont know if i'll properly be back anyatime soon ether as I am still in recovery. Oh recovery from what you say? HAVING MY EYES FUCKING STABBED, just becaus they "have degees" and "are surgeons" doesn't make it negeat the fact that they put knives,cut and sew in my eyes eyeballs and i still can't see nor live properly anymore. And as you can guess coding is a lot harder when you cant see and are in immense pain. Right now there is no need to worry even though my recovery has had more complications than they expected I'll(probobly) be fine. Maybe I'll be back uppdating as often as I used to when I'm fully healed but probably not right now, and right now I'll try to uppdate a liitle when I have the time, energy and motivation. Goodbye for now

11/12/23 - Sorry I havent been verry activ this last week but ill try to work more on this site when i get winter brake.

04/12/23 - As previously stated my cat got spayed an I'm pretty sure she got lobotomized instad, or maybe she just thinks with her dick.

01/12/23 - I watched almost famous and I highly recomed it especally to anyone that is at least slightly intrested in 70s rockstars and or groupies.

29/11/23 - I DOWNLODED FLASHPINT AND NOW I CAN PLAY ALL THE BOLIBOMPA GAMES FROM MY CHILDHOOD, I AM GIVEING UPP EVERYTHING TO PLAY THEESE GAMES. I LOVE SPRAK SO FUCKING MUCH I AM OVERDOSING ON NOSTALGIA. Also my cat got spayed and she's the cutest fucking thing ever. She fell in her food, she cant get out of the litter box and she's walking bacwards.

26/11/23 - been taking a small brake from tras bc a lot of shit is happening in my life rn but i will get back to it as soon as posible

23/11/23 - (This is just a rant about school, I just needed to get my feelings out somehow so I wrote them down here) NEVER MIND I HATE MY HISTORYY TEACHER AGAIN. Just got my history test results back and it's fucking impossible that I've gone from an A to a D when I studied more than I've ever done before. I have some complications that make it a lot harder for me than your typical student and especially concerning tests, but I'm the biggest fucking history nerd ever. I know I didn't get a bad grade because of my knowledge level on the subject because (I know I sound like an arrogant ass but) I know so much more about the subject than other people in my class that got a higher grade than me(BECAUSE I'M THE PERSON THAT EXPLAIND THE ENTIER SUBJET TO THEM). And my history teacher refuses to give me the aid I have a legal right to. it's just so fucking unfair.
School in general is nothing but unfair. Firstly I have to walk up eight sets of stairs like five times a day, and they aren't even normal stairs they are extra tall stairs for some fucking reason. Secondly I'm legit drowning in homework. Third like I said no one is giving me the help and resources I need to perform at even close to average level. Fourth I start at 8 and end at 5 but the day I end early I have to wait for studyhall because I'm after in basically everything at this point, so then I have to wait two hours and do nothing until it starts, just to work until 7 but not even be done but have to go home anyway because the school fucking closes. And because I live in the middle of nowhere and it takes 2+ hours to get home on a lucky day when the traffic isn't too bad, but after the actual journey home I have to either walk 5 km in a pitch black snowstorm or wait by the road in again a pitch black snowstorm trying not to get run over while I wait for someone to pick me up.


20/11/23 - Latly I've been feeling very confusedly anxious. I'm stressed but I don't know about what. Probably a combination of school and the weather but I don't know.

19/11/23 - Just found out very is spelled very and not verry, I'm blaiming the engilsh language and i'ts weird ass spelling and not me being dogshit at lerning english gramor.(Also watched hedwig and the angry inch today, it was good in my opinin and i recomed watching it)